What you require to do e-commerce on line
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A listing of shopping carts available
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The Shop Alberta E-Commerce Solution
Phone: 780-413-1815

Phone Local: 780-413-1815
If you desire a quote , please feel FREE to call.

E-Mail:   info@shopalberta.com


Mail: #611, 17008-90 Ave. Edmonton, Alberta T5T 1L6
Tell us about your web site needs and we'll get back to you with a development and hosting quote. 
I require a Shopping Cart
Managers Cart Multi Page Unlimited Items $349.00 per year
Email to fax We fax you the order you don't need to check the web $149.00 per year
Secure Forms Single page  (Does NO math) $150.00 per year
Optomize your website and setup the Google search $330.00 one time
Search Engine Registration search engines twice monthly for one year $149.00 per year
Basic Dealer Inventory Display $1995.00 per year
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Fully Configurable